Act 1 Scene 2 Stadthaus, late afternoon. EDISON plays with LEGO at a table in the playroom while GWYNETH and NATE converse quietly nearby. EDISON Hey, wanna hear a joke!? GWYNETH Sure, dude. EDISON: What starts with P-O and is four letters long and you ride on it!? NATE and GYWNETH look at one another, baffled. EDISON A PONY! Get it? It's a joke! Well... It's more of a riddle, really. I guess it's not very good. I read it in a German joke book. Most of the jokes aren't very funny. NATE and GYWNETH walk to the stairwell, NATE heading upstairs and GYWNETH toward the nearby master suite. (Talking over one another, very quietly) NATE What's four letters long and ends in C-K and you ride mine? GWYNETH What has four letters, ends with C-K, and I ride yours? EDISON (calling from another room) I know!! It's a BIKE! GWYNETH ...thaaaaat's right! A bike! Good job guessing! GWYNETH returns to the playroom, sho...